What you need to know before working with a sonic agency

A great visual brand can be a feast for the eyes. But what about the ears? How can you associate your brand with a sound that’s so distinctive and memorable that it is recognisable without any visual logo?

Sonic branding, also known as audio branding, is the quiet achiever of iconic global brands. Sonic branding can include a sound logo, podcast, jingles, soundscapes—any sound created with the purpose of identifying a brand.

Use a sonic agency to create a unique audio identity

Sonic branding can be a mix of instruments, song, tones, rhythm, voices, cadence, other sounds, and even deliberate silence. It captivates listeners through audio triggers and uses the power of sound to build meaningful connections through impact and recall.

As an example of sonic branding, think of HBO’s instantly recognisable sound. Named the ‘Static Angel’ for the serendipitous juxtaposition of the click of an old-fashioned TV turning on (static) meshed with a heavenly-sounding note (angel), the sound has been part of their brand since the 1990s. 

So, how can your brand create a sound logo to drive awareness and recognition? Hint: working with a sonic agency will get you the best results.  

Why do I need sonic branding?

It’s hard to stand out in the marketplace. In fact, research shows that consumers consider just 5% of brands unique – so even if your brand is doing something different and exceptional, you need to have a strategy that includes branding that gets your message in front of consumers.

Or, in the case of sonic branding – in their heads. You want the ‘can’t get you out of my head’ audio branding that sets you apart in a sea of competitors. Having a unique sonic brand created by an expert agency is a point of differentiation that elevates your brand professionally and artistically. 

Sonic or audio branding strategically exploits sound as an intrinsic aspect of your brand identity. It’s not just an art; it’s a science.

How an agency helps you understand your audience

Just like any other aspect of creating your brand identity, shaping a distinctive, unique audio brand doesn’t just happen. It takes time, research and analysis to ensure a cohesive fit.

Knowing where your target audience hangs out will help you define the right audio branding – is your audience primarily on socials? Do they prefer to visit shops on the high street rather than shopping online? Do they listen to streaming services or are they more likely to put the radio on? Knowing the answers to these questions will help form your sonic identity.

Working with a sonic branding agency can help you define and target your audience. They will collaborate with you to help you understand your target market and demographic, including their interests, values, and lifestyle choices. 

The agency will work closely with you to align these audience insights with your brand's values, personality, and goals before translating your brand's essence into auditory elements that will resonate with your target audience.

At Maison Mercury Jones, our team uses a research-led approach to create strategically composed music for marketing, audio logos, and brand jingles. These compositions help tell stories, evoke emotions, and create the moods that underpin how we recognise, feel, remember, and respond to businesses, products, services, events, and more. Our expertise is underpinned by leading scientific research partnerships.

Preparing for collaboration

To make the most of your partnership with a sonic agency:

  • Clearly communicate your brand goals: Be able to articulate your brand's vision, values, and objectives.

  • Provide examples: Share examples of sonic branding you feel aligns with your brand's personality.

  • Be open to creative suggestions: Trust the agency's expertise.

  • Consider long-term strategy: Discuss how the sonic branding can evolve and adapt over time to stay relevant.

  • Prepare for integration: Plan how you'll incorporate the new sonic elements across your various brand touchpoints.

Why work with a bespoke sonic agency?

Maison Mercury Jones is a brand music agency that challenges expectations and takes sonic branding to a new level. Offering bespoke sonic solutions, we are passionate about diversity and showcasing the talents of artists and branding strategists who are otherwise underrepresented in our industry and throughout society.

We recognise the importance of understanding your audience's cultural context. We ensure that the sonic branding elements are culturally relevant and appropriate, avoiding negative associations.

Welcoming and celebrating our differences, our agency proudly offers a place for minorities and other marginalised groups to shine. Entirely Trans+/POC/LGBTQ+/female-led, a team headed by world-famous musicians and award-winning strategists whose work is supported by world-renowned artists and composers.

Our commitment to excellence and the innovative application of sound for brands is unwavering. From brand songs to background music, sound effects, tones, and chimes, podcasts to jingles to in-app sounds and much more. We are here to customise and harness the might of sonics to engage your audience, enter their subconscious, and create emotional impacts and connections for sound association. This includes recall and brand loyalty.

By considering these factors, you'll be well-prepared to embark on a successful journey with a sonic branding agency. 

We have helped clients throughout the UK, Europe and the USA create unique, tailored sonic branding. Speak to us about how audio branding can help you foster genuine, lasting connections.


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