jingle company UK

Jingle Company

What’s doing the heavy lifting in your ad campaign?

Chances are, it’s a jingle!

Combining a catchy tune with advertising is perhaps the most effective way to make your brand or product stand out and be memorable – and if you do it well, people everywhere will associate its sound with your brand for years to come.

Home to innovative sonics and bold creativity, Maison Mercury Jones is a dynamic UK jingle company based in London.

The strong relationship between music & memory

Music, memory, and emotion are intrinsically linked: music evokes strong emotions, and emotion enhances memory.

Music directly influences memory formation in terms of the pieces of music themselves as well as the information we come to associate with specific music. This is why hearing a song, tune, or another auditory signal can instantly evoke a long-buried memory, bring you to tears, or trigger feelings of joy, attraction, love, rebellion, or nostalgia.

Music can compel you to get up and dance like nobody is watching when a certain song plays. It can uplift or relax. It can make you feel your best or help you release pent-up emotions on difficult days. Certain music, depending on its association, can even trigger subconscious physiological responses like hunger and thirst.

Since we are all inherently impacted by music in this way, it makes perfect sense to exploit this natural tendency for your advertising and branding.

Punchy jingles for your brand

Composing and creating inventive bespoke brand jingles is just one of the things we love to do at Maison Mercury Jones.

From catchy melodies to compelling hook lines, our talented artist-led team will work with you to understand your brand, product, service, and ethos, and discover that special je ne sais quoi that sets you apart from others in your niche. We’ll take this, weave our audio magic, and deliver a custom sound that resonates with you and your audience, and that will drive engagement with your brand.

Brand tunes, verses, ditties, & more

We are proud to work with diverse underrepresented artists and composers and we offer our services to brands across many industries and niches, hailing from the UK to Europe, the USA and beyond.

From TV and radio jingles to music for digital platforms and much more, our jingle services will harness the brand-building power of music and take your advertising to the next level.

Get in touch with us today and let’s explore how we can get you heard.